46 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Adjective & Jawabannya

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46 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Adjective & Jawabannya – Adjective atau yang sering disebut sebagai ‘kata sifat’ merupakan sebuah kata yang menjelaskan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun) dan berada di sebelum kedua jenis kata tersebut. Adjective pada umumnya mudah untuk dikenali karena posisinya yang terletak sebelum kata benda atau kata ganti. Untuk lebih memahami Adjective, berikut adalah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Adjective beserta jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Adjective

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The ………………………. (fast / fastly) train to London takes less than an hour.
2. She likes everything …………………….. (neat / neatly) and tidy.
3. The poison took ………………………. (instant / instantly) effect.
4. The new building was rather ……………………….. (boring / bored / boringly) and conventional.
5. The opposition had a ………………………… (narrow / narrowly) defeat.
6. If you are going to walk long distances you need ………………………. (proper / properly) walking boots.
7. The traffic was quite …………………………. (light / lightly) so we got through London quickly.
8. I have never played ice hockey – it is far too ……………………….. (dangerous / dangerously).
9. I need a break, a ………………………… (complete / completely) change of scene.
10. She has got some very …………………………. (interested / interesting / interestingly) things to say on the subject.
11. The ground’s impossible to dig – it is as ……………………… (hard / hardly) as stone.
12. It was my first time abroad and the language, the food, everything was so ………………………….. (strange / strangely).
13. It was a largely …………………………. (peaceful / peacefully) demonstration.
14. I want an explanation, but keep it …………………………. (simple / simply).
15. Actors and actresses need to be …………………………… (clear / clearly) speakers.
16. My head feels ……………………….. (awful / awfully) – I think I must have flu.
17. The accident was caused by people driving too …………………….. (fast / fastly) in bad conditions.
18. We resurfaced the kicthen floor because it was not ……………………….. (even / evenly) enough for Dad’s wheelchair.
19. She was too ………………………….. (polite / politely) to point out my mistake.
20. I had two glasses of wine at lunch and it has made me feel really …………………………. (sleepy / sleepily).
21. I am ……………………….. (interested / interesting / interestingly) to know why he left the job so suddenly.
22. I am not suprised he failed his exam – he did not exactly try very ……………………… (hard / hardly) !
23. If it is a …………………………… (genuine / genuinely) Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions.
24. She walked into a ………………………… (bright / brightly) lit room.
25. You will have to excuse Joanna – she is feeling rather …………………………. (tiring / tired / tiredly) and emotional at the moment.
26. I noticed how …………………………….. (slow / slowly) her movements were.
27. The …………………………. (easiest / easily) thing is for us to take the train home.
28. He was very ……………………………… (cool / coolly) and calm about the mishap.
29. Hospitals need to be kept …………………………… (clean / cleanly).
30. He had a …………………………… (sudden / suddenly) heart attack while he was on holiday.
31. There has been a ……………………………. (significant / significantly) increase in the number of women students at Cambridge University in recent years.
32. Her cherry pie always looks ………………………… (good / well) and tastes delicious.
33. I have made a guess but I do not know if it is the ………………………… (correct / correctly) answer.
34. The kids loved the fair, but they enjoyed the bumper cars ……………………… (most / mostly) of all.
35. I onl had time for a ……………………….. (quick / quickly) glance at the paper this morning.
36. The empty house was completely …………………….. (silent / silently).
37. ………………………… (scarce / scarcely) resources should be used sensibly.
38. There was a ………………………… (fresh / freshly) fall of snow during the night.
39. All information will be treated as strictly …………………………… (confidential / confidentially).
40. I think it is unlikely that we will move in the …………………………. (near / nearly) future.
41. The lights are too …………………………… (bright / brightly) in here – they are hurting my eyes.
42. He was getting ………………………… (bored / boring / boringly) of doing the same thing every day.
43. I would like you to give me an …………………………… (honest / honestly) answer.
44. An ………………………….. (immediate / immediately) effect of the war has been a breakdown of law and order.
45. Ann makes …………………………. (beautiful / beautifully) cakes.
46. The article described …………………………… (recent / recently) developments in the search for a cure for AIDS.


Kunci Jawaban:

1. Fast
2. Neat
3. Instant
4. Boring
5. Narrow
6. Proper
7. Light
8. Dangerous
9. Complete
10. Interesting
11. Hard
12. Strange
13. Peaceful
14. Simple
15. Clear
16. Awful
17. Fast
18. Even
19. Polite
20. Sleepy
21. Interested
22. Hard
23. Genuine
24. Bright
25. Tired
26. Slow
27. Easiest
28. Cool
29. Clean
30. Sudden
31. Significant
32. Good
33. Correct
34. Most
35. Quick
36. Silent
37. Scarce
38. Fresh
39. Confidential
40. Near
41. Bright
42. Bored
43. Honest
44. Immediate
45. Beautiful
46. Recent

Demikianlah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Adjective beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan menambah ilmu teman – teman. Terima kasih.

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