Future Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal

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Future Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal – Dalam Bahasa Inggris terdapat suatu aturan yang mengatur penggunaan kata kerja sesuai dengan waktu terjadinya suatu kejadian atau aksi yang disebut “tenses”. Dalam tenses, terdapat empat pembagian waktu, salah satunya yaitu Future (masa depan). Sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai Simple Future Tense, berikut ini adalah penjelasan, contoh kalimat dan soal Future Continuous Tense.


Pengertian dan Fungsi Future Continous Tense


1) Future Continous Tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau kejadian yang akan sedang terjadi pada masa yang akan datang (masa depan).


Pola Kalimat:


(+) Subject + will + be + Verb-ing
(-)  Subject + will + not + be + Verb-ing
(?)  Will + Subject + be + Verb-ing


Contoh Kalimat:

(+) They will be travelling to some cities in England next week.

(Mereka akan sedang mengadakan perjalanan ke beberapa kota di Inggris minggu depan)

(-) His mother will not be teaching in this school for week in the beginning of next month.

(Ibunya tidak akan sedang mengajar Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini selama seminggu di

awal bulan depan)

(?) Will she be cooking for dinner when I come home tonight?

(Akankah dia sedang memasak makan malam ketika saya pulang ke rumah malam ini ?)


2) Selain itu, kita dapat menggunakan Future Continuous Tense untuk menyatakan tentang hal – hal yang telah diputuskan atau direncanakan sebelumnya. (Dalam hal ini, Future Continuous Tense memiliki arti yang sama dengan Present Continuous Tense)


Contoh Kalimat:


Future Continuous Tense Present Continuous Tense Arti
I will be going to the city centre later. Can I get you anything? I am going to the city centre later. Can I get you anything? Saya akan pergi ke pusat kota nanti. Apakah kamu butuh sesuatu?
The teacher will be giving the students a Math exam on Monday. The teacher is giving the students a Math exam on Monday. Guru tersebut akan memberikan para murid ujian matematika pada hari Senin.
We will be visiting our grandmother tomorrow. Do you want to come with us? We are visiting our grandmother tomorrow. Do you want to come with us? Kami akan mengunjungi nenek kami besok. Apakah kamu mau ikut bersama kami?


3) Future Continuous Tense juga digunakan untuk menanyakan tentang rencana seseorang, terutama ketika kita membutuhkan sesuatu atau memerlukan orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu.


Contoh Kalimat:

  • Nina : Will you be using your bicycle this evening?

(Akankah kamu memakai sepedamu sore ini?)

Jonas   : No, you can take it.

(Tidak, kamu dapat memakainya)

  • Virda : Will you be passing the post office when you go out?

(Akankah kamu melewati kantor pos saat di perjalanan?)

Dinda  : Yes, why?

(Iya, kenapa?)

Virda   : I want you to help me post this letter, will you?

(Aku mau kamu membantuku mengirimkan surat ini, bagaimana?)

Dinda  : Okay, sure.

(Oke, tentu)

  • Nita : Will you be busy tonight?

(Apakah kamu akan sibuk malam ini?)

Brian   : No. Let’s get to the cinema.

(Tidak. Ayo kita pergi ke bioskop)




Make sentences using ‘will be + verb-ing’.



I am going to watch TV from 9 to 10 o’clock this evening.

So at 9:30 I will be watching TV.


  1. Tomorrow evening I am going to play basketball from 4 o’clock until 5:30.

So at 5 o’clock tomorrow I ……………………………………………………………..

  1. Timmy is going to study English from 7 o’clock until 9 this evening.

So at 8 o’clock this evening he …………………………………………………………

  1. We are going to clean our house tomorrow. It will take from 7 o’clock until 10 in the morning.

So at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning ……………………………………………………

  1. I am going to do my Science project tonight from 8 until 10 o’clock.

So at 9 o’clock this night …………………………………………………………………

  1. They are going to watch the concert of Coldplay from 8 until 11 o’clock tomorrow night.

So at 9 o’clock tomorrow night ………………………………………………………..


Make questions using “will you be –ing”.



You want to borrow your friend’s bicycle this afternoon.

(you/ use/ your bicycle this afternoon) à Will you be using your bicycle this afternoon?


  1. You want to use your friend’s text book tomorrow evening. (you/ use/ your text book tomorrow evening)
    • …………………………………………………………………………
  2. You want your friend to give Tommy a message this morning. (you/ see/ Tommy this morning)
    • ………………………………………………………………………….
  3. Your friend is going shopping. You want him/ her to buy some stamps for you at the post office. (you/ pass/ the post office)
    • …………………………………………………………………………..
  4. You want your friend to return the book you borrowed to Jimmy. (you/ meet/ Jimmy today)
    • …………………………………………………………………………..
  5. You want to borrow your friend’s laptop this afternoon. (you/ use/ your laptop this afternoon)
    • …………………………………………………………………………..


Kunci Jawaban:



  1. I will be playing basketball.
  2. He will be studying English.
  3. We will be cleaning our house.
  4. I will be doing my Science project.
  5. They will be watching the concert of Coldplay.


  1. Will you be using your text book tomorrow evening?
  2. Will you be seeing Tommy this morning?
  3. Will you be passing the post office?
  4. Will you be meting Jimmy today?
  5. Will you be using your laptop this afternoon?


Demikianlah penjelasan, contoh kalimat, dan soal Future Continuous Tense. Semoga penjelasan tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi teman – teman semua. Terima kasih.


Baca Juga:


Simple Future Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal
Past Perfect Continuous Tense – Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat, Soal
Adjective – Definisi, Fungsi, Jenis, Contoh Kalimat

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